Healthcare Professional Job Search

Have you found a job on our job openings list that you would like to apply to?

Fill out our job application today and have a recruiter reach out within 24 hours to discuss the position further and hopefully get you an interview

Something for Everyone

Locums Tenens

Locum tenens can play a critical role in your career. Whether it is giving you exposure to new settings of work, extra income, or the chance to get to know a facility prior to joining full time, locum tenens has endless upsides.

Permanent Placement

Find your work life balance with a rewarding career with top tear facilities. Momentum Healthcare Staffing selectively works for you to find openings with groups with great reputation with staff and within their communities.

Credentialing and Licensing

Make life easier for your upcoming shifts with a swift onboarding process and hiring assistance which can expedite your licensure process. Our team will actively listen to your needs and communicate clearly how to onboard in a snap.